
Showing posts from February, 2023

What is ultrasonic flow transmitter and what is working principle of ultrasonic flow transmitter and how to configuration and calibration full details.

  Ultrasonic Flow Transmitter: Principles & Calibration. An ultrasonic flow transmitter is a type of flow meter that uses ultrasonic waves to measure the flow rate of a fluid. It is a non-intrusive type of flow meter, meaning it does not require any parts to be inserted into the fluid flow path. Ultrasonic flow transmitters are commonly used in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, chemical processing, water treatment, and HVAC systems. Working Principle of Ultrasonic Flow Transmitter: The basic working principle of an ultrasonic flow transmitter is that it sends ultrasonic waves through a fluid in a pipe and measures the time it takes for the waves to travel between two transducers. The transducers are placed on opposite sides of the pipe, with one transducer sending the ultrasonic wave and the other transducer receiving it. The ultrasonic wave travels faster in the direction of the flow than against it, so the difference in the time it takes for the wave to travel betwe

What is differential flow transmitter and what is working principle of pr differential flow transmitter and how to configuration and calibration full details

  Differential Flow Transmitter Calibration. A differential flow transmitter is a type of flow measurement device used to measure the flow rate of fluids, gases, or steam in a closed system. It measures the difference in pressure across an orifice plate, flow nozzle, or venturi tube, which is directly proportional to the flow rate of the fluid. This differential pressure is then converted into a proportional electronic signal, which is used to calculate the flow rate. Working Principle: The working principle of a differential flow transmitter is based on Bernoulli's principle, which states that the total energy of a fluid in a closed system is constant. When a fluid flows through an orifice plate, flow nozzle, or venturi tube, its velocity increases, and its pressure decreases. This pressure difference is measured by two pressure sensors, one upstream and one downstream of the flow obstruction. The pressure sensors are connected to the differential flow transmitter, which amplifies

What is pressure differential transmitter and what is working principle of pressure differential transmitter and how to configuration and calibration full details.

Pressure Differential Transmitter Working Principle. A pressure differential transmitter is a device used to measure the difference between two pressures. It works by converting the difference in pressure between two points into an electrical signal, which can be read and interpreted by other devices or systems. This type of transmitter is commonly used in industrial settings to monitor pressure differentials in pipes, tanks, and other equipment. Working Principle: The working principle of a pressure differential transmitter involves the use of a diaphragm or other type of pressure-sensitive element, which is placed in contact with the fluid being measured. This element is designed to flex in response to changes in pressure, which in turn causes a corresponding change in the electrical signal output by the transmitter. The pressure-sensitive element is typically connected to a Wheatstone bridge circuit, which helps to amplify and refine the electrical signal produced by the element. Th

What is pressure transmitter and what is working principle of pressure transmitter and how to configuration and calibration

A pressure transmitter is a device used to measure and transmit the pressure of a fluid, gas or steam in a process. It is commonly used in various industries such as oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and water treatment plants. The working principle of a pressure transmitter is based on the measurement of a pressure-induced deformation of a sensing element. This deformation is then converted into an electrical signal, which is proportional to the applied pressure. Working Principle of Pressure Transmitter: A pressure transmitter consists of a sensing element, a signal conditioning circuit, and a transmitter output. The sensing element is typically made of a material that deforms when exposed to pressure. The most common materials used in sensing elements are strain gauges, piezoelectric materials, and capacitive materials. The strain gauge is the most commonly used sensing element in pressure transmitters. It consists of a thin metal foil that is bonded to a fle

What is temperature transmitter and what is working principle of temperature transmitter and how to configuration and calibration full details.

  Temp. transmitter principle and calibration. A temperature transmitter is an electronic device used to measure and convert the temperature of a system into a standardized electrical signal that can be transmitted to a control system or data acquisition system. Temperature transmitters are commonly used in process control systems to monitor and control temperature in various industrial applications, including chemical processing, oil and gas refining, power generation, and food processing. Working Principle of Temperature Transmitter: A temperature transmitter works by converting the temperature of a system into an electrical signal that can be transmitted to a control system or data acquisition system. This conversion process involves several components, including a temperature sensor, signal conditioning circuitry, and a digital signal processor. The temperature sensor is typically a thermocouple or RTD (resistance temperature detector) that measures the temperature of the system an

How does guided wave radar level transmitter work and how to configuration and calibration full details.

  GWR Level Transmitter Basics Guided wave radar (GWR) level transmitters are commonly used in industries to measure the level of liquids and solids in tanks, vessels, and silos. GWR level transmitters use a guided wave probe that is inserted into the tank or vessel, and the probe sends a radar signal down the length of the probe. The signal then reflects off the liquid or solid material and returns to the probe, allowing the transmitter to calculate the level of the material in the tank or vessel. Working Principle: GWR level transmitters work based on time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technology. The guided wave probe is typically made of a metal rod or cable, and the probe is inserted into the tank or vessel to a specific length. The probe acts as a waveguide for the radar signal, which is sent down the length of the probe. When the radar signal reaches the end of the probe, it reflects back to the transmitter. The transmitter measures the time it takes for the signal to travel down t

What is Dp level transmitter and How do you measure a closed tank level?

  DP Level Transmitter - Measure Tank Level A DP level transmitter, also known as a differential pressure level transmitter, is a device that measures the level of liquid or gas in a tank, vessel, or pipeline by detecting the difference in pressure between the bottom of the tank and the top of the liquid surface. It operates on the principle of hydrostatic pressure, which states that the pressure at any point in a liquid is proportional to the height of the liquid above that point. DP level transmitters consist of two pressure sensors, one at the bottom of the tank and one at the top of the tank. The pressure difference between the two sensors is proportional to the liquid level in the tank. The transmitter converts the pressure difference into an electronic signal that is proportional to the liquid level and transmits it to a display or control system. There are different types of DP level transmitters available, such as flange-mounted, inline, and remote seal. Flange-mounted transmit

Battery limit in refinery

  Refinery Battery Limit In an oil refinery, the battery limit refers to the point where crude oil enters the facility and is processed into various refined products. This point marks the beginning of the refining process and is typically the first major step in the production of fuels, lubricants, and other petrochemical products. The battery limit is a critical point in the refining process because it is where the quality of the crude oil is determined and where the initial separation of the various components of the crude oil takes place. This separation is achieved through a process known as distillation, which involves heating the crude oil to separate it into its various components based on their boiling points. At the battery limit, crude oil is typically stored in large tanks or vessels and is then pumped through a series of pipes and equipment to begin the refining process. The first step in this process is typically the removal of any impurities or contaminants, such as water

What is the function of seal gas compressor?

 Seal Gas Compressor Function. A seal gas compressor is a piece of equipment used in industrial processes to provide the pressurized gas necessary for sealing mechanical seals on rotating equipment. Mechanical seals are used in various types of pumps, compressors, and turbines to prevent the escape of process fluid and contamination from the environment. The function of a seal gas compressor is critical to the proper operation of these mechanical seals. A seal gas compressor provides the necessary gas pressure to maintain a gas barrier between the seal faces. This barrier prevents the process fluid from leaking out of the pump, compressor, or turbine and contaminating the surrounding environment. A seal gas compressor typically operates at relatively low flow rates and high pressures, often between 50 and 500 psig. The gas used in the compressor may be inert, such as nitrogen or helium, or it may be a process gas such as hydrogen or methane, depending on the application. There are seve

How does a compressor work in a refinery?

  Refinery compressor workings. Introduction: The refining process is crucial to the production of various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricants, and many others. During the refining process, crude oil is separated into different components through various chemical and physical processes. One of the critical components in the refining process is the compressor. Compressors are used to increase the pressure of gases or vapors, which are then processed in the refinery. In this article, we will discuss the working of a compressor in a refinery. Types of Compressors: There are two main types of compressors used in refineries - positive displacement compressors and dynamic compressors. Positive displacement compressors work by trapping a volume of gas and compressing it into a smaller space, thus increasing the pressure. These compressors include reciprocating compressors and rotary compressors. Reciprocating compressors work by using a piston that moves back and

What is upstream and downstream in refinery

  Upstream and Downstream The petroleum refining process is complex and involves several stages, each of which contributes to the production of various end products, such as gasoline, diesel, lubricating oils, and others. Two critical stages in the refining process are upstream and downstream operations. Upstream Operations: Upstream operations are those that occur before the crude oil enters the refinery, starting from the exploration and production of crude oil to the transportation of the crude oil to the refinery. Exploration is the first stage, which involves the identification of potential oil reserves. Once the reserves are found, the drilling process begins, which involves drilling wells into the ground to extract crude oil. The crude oil is then transported to the refinery through pipelines, ships, or trucks. The crude oil that enters the refinery is usually a mixture of different hydrocarbons, including methane, ethane, propane, butane, and others. These hydrocarbons have dif

What does an air fin cooler do in a refinery?

Air Fin Cooler in Refinery An air fin cooler (also known as an air-cooled heat exchanger) is a crucial piece of equipment used in refineries to cool hot hydrocarbons and other process fluids. It is essentially a large heat exchanger that uses ambient air as the cooling medium to transfer heat from the hot process fluid to the atmosphere. In a refinery, air fin coolers are typically used to cool various process fluids, such as crude oil, intermediate products, and finished products, as well as utility streams like cooling water, which have been heated during the refining process. The hot fluids are routed through a network of tubes with fins attached to the outer surface. The fins increase the surface area of the tubes, which facilitates heat transfer to the ambient air. The air is drawn through the finned tubes by a forced draft fan, which moves the air across the hot surface, removing heat and cooling the process fluid. Air fin coolers are an important part of a refinery's cooling

What is the heat exchanger used in refinery?

A heat exchanger is an essential component in the oil refinery industry. It is a device that transfers heat between two or more fluids, allowing them to reach different temperatures without mixing. Heat exchangers are used in a variety of refinery processes, such as cooling crude oil, heating feedstock, and recovering heat from waste streams. Types of Heat Exchangers Used in Refineries There are various types of heat exchangers used in refineries. The most common ones include: 1. Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: This type of heat exchanger consists of a shell (a large cylindrical vessel) and a bundle of tubes inside it. One fluid flows through the tubes while the other flows around them inside the shell. Shell and tube heat exchangers are used for high-pressure and high-temperature applications in refineries, such as the cooling of crude oil. 2. Plate Heat Exchangers: Plate heat exchangers consist of a series of metal plates with corrugated edges. The plates are stacked on top of each o

What does a reactor do in a refinery?

 Reactor Role in Refining. A reactor is an essential piece of equipment used in the refining process in petroleum refineries. It is used to convert feedstocks into valuable products by inducing chemical reactions in a controlled environment. The reactor is responsible for carrying out the main conversion process, which involves breaking down larger hydrocarbons into smaller molecules or combining smaller molecules to create larger ones. In this article, we will explore the role of reactors in petroleum refining, their types, and the different types of reactions they are used for. Role of Reactors in Petroleum Refining Petroleum refining is a complex process that involves transforming crude oil into a wide variety of products, including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricating oils, and other valuable chemicals. Crude oil is a mixture of different hydrocarbons, which are separated into different fractions through distillation. However, the crude oil fractions are not yet suitable for use

What does a furnace do in a refinery?

  Refinery furnace process. A furnace in a refinery is used for heating crude oil and other hydrocarbons to break them down into smaller molecules and separate them into different components, which can then be processed further to produce various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. The process of heating the hydrocarbons is called cracking, and it is typically done in a furnace using high temperatures and pressure. The furnace is usually a large, cylindrical vessel that contains a series of tubes or coils that are heated by burning a fuel, such as natural gas or oil. The hot gases produced by the burning fuel are circulated through the tubes or coils, and the hydrocarbons are passed over the hot surfaces, which causes them to break down into smaller molecules. The smaller molecules are then separated based on their boiling points and other physical properties, and the different components are collected and further processed to produce the desired products. The op

What is the use of fractionating column in fractional distillation

A fractionator column, also known as a distillation column, is a key component in the process of separating a mixture of different components based on their boiling points. The column is essentially a tall tower filled with trays or packing materials, where the mixture is heated and vaporized. As the vapor rises through the column, it gradually cools and condenses on the trays or packing materials. The condensed liquid is then collected and separated into its individual components. The fractionator column is widely used in the chemical and petrochemical industries for various applications such as crude oil refining, natural gas processing, and chemical manufacturing. In this article, we will discuss the working principle of a fractionator column, its components, and the factors that affect its efficiency. Working Principle of Fractionator Column The basic principle behind the functioning of a fractionator column is the difference in boiling points of the components in the mixture. The

What is Utility Unit why need utility unit in Oil & Gas Plant and Petrochemicals

  In a petroleum refinery, a utility unit is responsible for providing various services and utilities necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the refinery's process units. These services and utilities include: 1. Steam : Steam is used in many refinery processes, including crude oil distillation, hydrotreating, and catalytic cracking. The utility unit produces steam by burning fuel in boilers or by using waste heat from other processes. 2. Cooling water: Refinery processes generate a lot of heat, which must be removed to prevent damage to equipment and ensure optimal process conditions. The utility unit provides cooling water to cool process streams and equipment. 3. Instrument air: Instrument air is used to power control valves, pneumatic instruments, and other equipment throughout the refinery. The utility unit produces instrument air by compressing atmospheric air and drying it to remove moisture. 4. Electrical power: Refineries require a lot of electrical power to op

What is the Oil Refinery and What is process of oil refining

An oil refinery, also known as a petroleum refinery, is an industrial facility that processes crude oil into different useful products. The crude oil that is refined in the refinery is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, including alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as small amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds. The refining process separates these different hydrocarbons and other compounds into various useful products, such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricants, and chemicals. The refining process can be divided into four main stages: separation, conversion, treatment, and blending. Each stage involves various processes and equipment that work together to transform the crude oil into different products. 1. Separation  The first stage of the refining process is separation, where the crude oil is separated into different fractions based on their boiling points. This is done in a distillation tower, also known as a crude unit. The crude oil is heated

What is Sulphur Recovery Unit SRU

  A sulfur recovery unit (SRU) is an essential component of many oil and gas processing facilities. It is responsible for converting hydrogen sulfide (H2S) into elemental sulfur, which can then be sold or utilized for various purposes. This process not only helps in the production of useful products, but also eliminates the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The SRU process involves a series of steps, which typically include the following: Acid gas removal: Before entering the SRU, the feed gas must be treated to remove contaminants such as carbon dioxide and water. This is done using an acid gas removal unit, which typically employs an amine-based solvent to absorb these impurities. Thermal oxidation: Once the acid gas has been treated, it is then fed into the thermal oxidizer, where it is burned with air or oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide (SO2) and water vapor. Catalytic conversion: The SO2 produced in the thermal oxidizer is then passed through a series of catalytic rea

What is Aromatic unit in oil refinery?

  In the refining process, one of the most important units is the Aromatic unit, which is responsible for producing high-purity benzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTX) from naphtha feedstocks. The production of these chemicals is important for a variety of applications, including the production of plastics, resins, synthetic fibers, and pharmaceuticals. The Aromatic unit is a complex system that consists of several interconnected units and processes. In this article, we will explore the Aromatic unit in detail, including its function, process flow, equipment, and safety considerations. Function of the Aromatic Unit The primary function of the Aromatic unit is to separate and purify BTX chemicals from naphtha feedstocks. The process begins with the distillation of the naphtha feedstock in a distillation column. The column is designed to separate the components of the naphtha based on their boiling points. After the initial distillation, the BTX chemicals are further separated and purified t

What is Naphtha Unit ?

  Naphtha is a term used to describe a range of flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures that are typically used as feedstock in the production of chemicals, fuels, and solvents. In the petroleum refining industry, naphtha is a key intermediate product that is derived from crude oil and is used as a raw material in the production of gasoline, petrochemicals, and other products. The naphtha unit in a petroleum refinery is responsible for processing crude oil and separating it into various components, including naphtha. The naphtha unit is a critical component of the refinery's operations, as it produces a feedstock that is used in the production of high-value products. The naphtha unit process involves several steps, including distillation, cracking, and reforming. The distillation process involves heating the crude oil to vaporize the components, which are then condensed and collected based on their boiling points. In the case of naphtha, it typically boils at a temperature range of 3

What is DHT unit ( Diesel Hydrotreating Unit ).

  A Distillate Hydro Treater (DHT) is a critical unit in a refinery that processes crude oil. It is designed to remove sulfur, nitrogen, and other impurities from various distillate feedstocks, such as diesel, kerosene, and jet fuel, to meet stringent regulatory specifications and market requirements. This article will explain the DHT unit's functions, process flow, operating conditions, and the impact of the unit's performance on the refinery's overall profitability. Function of DHT Unit: The primary function of the DHT unit is to remove sulfur and nitrogen compounds from the feedstock. Sulfur and nitrogen are harmful to the environment and human health, and regulations require the reduction of their content in refined products. The DHT unit uses hydrogen gas and a catalyst to break down the sulfur and nitrogen molecules into hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, respectively. The hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are then captured and further processed in other units, such as the sulf